Colin M Baxter Marine Artist
We went to a recent exhibition of Colin Baxter (Marine artist) at his studio in Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport, amazing studio and wonderful works of art.
He has had many exhibitions in England, Germany and Belgium and has also exhibited in London at the Watercolour and Drawings Fair, the Kensington Fine Art Fair, the Affordable Art Fair and, as a lay member of the Royal Society of Marine Artists, at the Mall Galleries. Among many other exhibitions he has had a private show for HMY Britannia.
His work may be found in numerous private and public collections including local museums, the Royal Yacht Squadron and the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven.
Working mainly in watercolours in a self taught style, his detailed paintings are the results of many hours of research and knowledge of old working craft. He has been the mate of a Thames sailing barge and a gaff schooner and has also participated in the Tall ships races, for whom he recently designed the centre of the new annual Friendship Trophy which replaced the Cutty Sark Trophy.
Colin is passionate about old working sail, square riggers, J-class yachts, Portsmouth Harbour views, Royal Yachts and Lighthouses, and is commissioned on most maritime subjects, including boat portraits.
Recent commissions include '3 Grand Dames of Yachting', Suhali, Lively Lady & Gypsy Moth IV, the first large print of which he presented, on the Yacht's behalf, to HRH Princess Anne at the London Boat Show. He was also commissioned by HMS Gloucester and the new HMS Clyde and did chartworks for presentation to the departing captains of HMS Trafalgar and HMS Bulwark.
Click here to contact Colin www.colinmbaxter.co.uk