Dale Nelson 38

Exceptional Motor Cruiser-DALE
£275,000.00 (Aproximadamente €326,337)
  • Barco REF#  ·  327452
  • Eslora total  ·  12.12m
  • Año  ·  2002
  • Construcción  ·  Fibra
  • Perfíl de carena  ·  Semi desplazamiento
  • Camas  ·  4
  • Motor  ·  2 x gasoil 420cv, Yanmar 6LY2-STE (2002)
  • Lugar  ·  Neyland, Pembrokeshire
Boatshed Wales
Boatshed Wales
Mike de Graaf

Detalles suplementarios

Proyectista TT Boat designs
Astillero Dale Nelson
Lugar Neyland, Pembrokeshire
Capacidad de carburante 1,363.0 ltr (299.9 G) Total - 2 Tanks
Capacidad de agua 430.0 ltr (94.6 G) Total - 1 Tanks
Capacidad aguas sanitarias 82.0 ltr (18.0 G) Total - 1 Tanks

Sistemas Mecánicos

Motor 2 x gasoil 420cv
Marca del motor y el modelo Yanmar 6LY2-STE (2002)
Horas de motor Desconocido
Motor refrigerado por Indirect
Gobierno rueda
Propulsión Eje/s
Helice(s) 4 Blade Bronze
Consumo de carburante Desconocido
Velocidad de crucero 16 nudos
Velocidad máxima 25 nudos
Horas del generador 102
Recambios motor

Two Yanmar 6LY2-STE 420hp turbo charged diesel engines with Micro Commander electronic controls at both helm
stations. These engines have been regularly maintained. The engines are flexibly mounted and sea water filter to each
engine. Automatic fire extinguisher to engine room. Manufacturer’s instrumentation in custom built helm panels.
Port gearbox overhauled 2019. Starboard gearbox overhauled 2019.
Four bladed propellors fitted - props x2 rebalanced by specialist 2013.
Sure seals fitted 2013.
Stern tube cooling valves replaced 2015
Replaced all cutlass bearings Nov 2021
Dual station hydraulic steering, greasers to rudder tubes, stainless steel emergency tiller.
Rudders - replaced seals - Nov 2021
Hydraulic steering fittings – cleaned off and paint hydraulic fittings on steering pipework - Nov 2021

12-volt system
2 engine batteries @ 105amp – sealed type. New batteries fitted 2015.
2 domestic batteries @ 115amp – one sealed one non sealed. New batteries fitted 2015.
Additional batteries fitted to starboard side 2017.
Sealed and vented battery boxes
Cross over battery link switch
Battery voltage meter with two battery bank facility - please note the indicator lights on panels are now redundant - a
Sterlin Proswitch 32 automatic change over control the head unit with indicator lights has been mounted on panel
behind steering wheel.
3 x pantograph windscreen wipers with freshwater washers – Service carried out in 2015
Wheelhouse front screens – electrically heated
12-volt socket to helm area x 2
Many additional lights with dimmer lighting to wheelhouse
Navigation lights
Anchor light
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Searchlight – handheld with external power point
Magnetic compass at external helm
Stereo radio with speakers to dinette and aft deck
240-volt system
Galvanic isolator fitted to shore supply
Battery charger and distribution system connected to the hot water immersion tank heater and shore power. New
battery charger fitted 2015
240 - volt plug points to cabins, galley, and wheelhouse
240-volt shore power lead - located in aft deck locker
5kw inverter new fitted Feb 2017


Eslora total 12.12m
Manga 3.75m
Calado mín. 1.24m
Calado máx. 1.24m
Desplazamiento 12,000kg (26,460.0lbs)
Ubicación/Lugar A tierra

Sistemas eléctricos

12 batería de voltios, 240 voltaje de la energía de la orilla, 4 Carga de baterías por: motor, conexión de tierra


Construction Fibra
Perfíl de carena Semi desplazamiento
Acabado Gelcoat acabado

Interior fittings in chrome
American cherry timber and veneer - finished - two pack semi-gloss varnish
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Alcantara to side and overhead linings throughout
Scatter cushions
Carpeted throughout
Carpet inlay to wheelhouse and galley steps
Upholstered seating in dinette and wheelhouse. Re-upholstered 2015
Curtains to wheelhouse
Curtains to all cabins
Grab handles throughout
Grab handles additional to galley forward & outboard of pilot seat in wheelhouse
Interior helm console – upholstered in vinyl
Interior helm and pilot seats including sliders and arm-rests – upholstered in leather
Interior helm steering wheel – covered – TAN colour
Exterior helm steering wheel - Stainless Steel

List of work undertaken by Dale Sailing 2021 – Early 2022:
− Varnished exterior teak badging. Carried out two full coats of varnish to exterior badging - including
companionway doors
− Companionway doors renew chrome fitting on keyway
− New seat base cushions and backs. New black exterior GRP seat covers - specialist upholsterer to fabricate.
− Alcantara - cleaned headlining wheelhouse, forward cabin bunk and linings. Dinette roof panel - fitted new
velcro to aft end of panel.
− Replaced forward and aft heads door mirrors
− Cleaned out lockers forward heads, aft steerage area, aft cabin bilge pump area. Cleaned up rudder tube
− Replaced blinds to aft cabin rear portlights.
− Free off port forward cabin overhead vent and lubricate all vents
− Replaced port and starboard raw water pumps. Cleaned off and repainted engine mounts and brackets
below water pumps due to seal leak.
− Replaced port and starboard engine cooling water circulation pumps. Cleaned and painted area below
pumps. Topped up coolant
− Serviced/replaced alternator on starboard engine and retest.
− Repaired and refitted Tachometers interior LCDs
− Replaced all cutlass bearings on port and starboard shafts
− Sure seals - removed balance line and relocated flush supply point to exhaust water injection hose
− Replaced 2x seal rudders
− Cleaned off and painted hydraulic fittings on steering pipework due to surface rust above and below the
rudder shelf
− Fitted 1x new Rule 2000 bilge pump with auto operations to starboard engine room
− Fitted new gas solenoid valve in deck locker.
− Unblock black tank pick up
− Replaced trim tab and shaft anodes
− Carried out fire extinguisher test throughout boat
− New offshore flares kit
− Fitted aft cabin mattress
− Exterior stainless steel and GRP - cleaned off staining to davits etc
− Topsides – cleaned and power polish. Applied 2x coats of UV wax
− Superstructure – clean and power polish. Applied 2x coats of UV wax
− Fitted 2x sliding windows – sliding front to back
− Re-routed battery cables and secured battery in box
− Cleaned and refitted Nav light – port and starboard
− Fitted new hatch in shower
− Fitted new hoses to black waste system from skin fitting to toilet, from toilet to black waste tank and from
tank to outlets.
− Fitted new “one piece” fabric screen internal cover complete with storage back
− Fitted 2x new anode studs to both sides including new terminals.
− Fitted 2x new hull anodes
List of Work Undertaken late 2022
− Both propellers re-balanced.
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List of work Undertaken 2023
− Both engines serviced, oils and filters changed.
− Generator serviced.
− Anodes checked and changed where necessary.
− Collapsible support fitted for chart table to be used in wheelhouse.
− Hull antifouled, 2 coats.
− Hull and topsides polished.
− Liferaft serviced.
− Epirb Registered.
− Gas solenoid fitted in deck locker.
− 2 Camping Gaz cylinders and regulator fitted.


Total # de literas 4
No. de literas dobles 2
Camarote(s) 3
Lavabos 2
Ducha 2
Baño 2 Baño (Eléctrico)

Wash basin, mixer tap with hot and cold pressurised water
Manual toilet
Toilet connection to waste tank
Towel rail
Additional hanging hooks fitted
Standard door from galley/dinette to heads not fitted

Aft Heads
Wash basin, mixer tap with hot and cold pressurised water
Electric toilet
Toilet connection to waste tank
Towel rail
Stainless steel shaving mirror – replaced new mirror for forward and aft heads Nov 2021

2 fogone(s)/placa(s) gas Fogón detalle


Fogón detalle
Nevera de hielo
Sistema de agua bajo presión
Agua caliente

Wash basin, mixer tap with hot and cold pressurised water
Manual toilet
Toilet connection to waste tank
Towel rail
Additional hanging hooks fitted
Standard door from galley/dinette to heads not fitted

Aft Heads
Wash basin, mixer tap with hot and cold pressurised water
Electric toilet
Toilet connection to waste tank
Towel rail
Stainless steel shaving mirror – replaced new mirror for forward and aft heads Nov 2021

2 fogone(s)/placa(s) gas Fogón detalle

Equipo de cubierta

Laterales anti rociones
Plataforma de baño
Escalera de Baño
Tapas de instrumentos
Toldo completo de bañera
Hélice de proa

Eléctrico molinete
2 anclas
30.00m de cadena
40.00m de cabo
Electric windlass with rope drum. New Maxwell RC 10 windlass, control box, cables, with stainless steel chain and rope
fitted 2018.
Electric windlass controls at exterior helm
Electric windlass control foot switches on foredeck
Spade S140 30kg anchor - fitted 2015.
Chain locker with overboard drain
1 x 20kg Spade spare anchor – located in aft deck locker

Equipo de navegación

Piloto automático
Luces de navegación
Potenciador de WiFi

1 x Simrad NSS12 evo2 & 2 x Simrad NSS9m evo2 chart plotters multifunction display to inner helm (all with integrated
structurescan and broadband echo)
Simrad 4G Broadband radar
1 x Simrad NSS12 evo2 at exterior helm
Simrad AP24 controller to interior helm panel
Simrad AP24 controller to starboard of mfd at exterior helm
Simrad AC42 Autopilot computer with RC42 rate compass and RF25N rudder reference
Simrad RPU 160 Drive unit including draining and refilling steering system
Simrad ForwardScan® Transducer
Simrad RS90 VHF BB-system with built in AIS
Simrad RS90 2nd station wired vhf handset and speaker kit (000-11226-001)
Simrad GoFree WIFI-1 module
Chart table at Navigators position with stowage for pencils

Equipo de seguridad

Carbon Monoxide detector
Balsa salvavidas (Capacidad)
Foco pirata
Escalera de borda
MOB Sistema

4 bombas de achique (1 manual / 3 eléctrico)

Three electric pumps with automatic switches and one manual bilge pump with suction inlets either side of engine
room. Bilge alarms to engine room bilges. Fitted of 1x new Rule 2000 bilge pump with auto operations to starboard
engine room Nov 2021.

Fire extinguishers (serviceable type) throughout the boat with automatic system in engine room - serviced Nov 2021
Fire blanket in galley
New carbon monoxide alarm fitted 2015
6 x fenders
2 x mooring lines
4 x lifting blocks to prevent compression of fendering when boat lifted – located in aft deck lockers
Various spares
Spare set of wiper blades
Various crockery
Ensign and timber flagstaff
Liferaft onboard - Dated Sept 2022
New offshore flares kit

Comentario del broker

When one thinks of Dale boats, the qualities that come to mind would include, exceptional attention to built quality and unrivalled craftsmanship, aligned with unparalleled sea-keeping and performance.

The Dale Nelson 38 aft cabin encompasses these qualities and more. The boat offers luxurious accommodation, comprising large walk-round aft berth with private heads and shower, impressive starboard galley, twin seating arrangements and fore cabin with twin/double berths.

There are two helms positions, both offer excellent visibility, one situated internally, the other externally on the large flybridge with ample seating for guests.

The boat is placed for sale in excellent condition having benefited from meticulous care by her current owners.

Located next to where she was built, we can offer the unique privilege of all prior knowledge of the vessel and any in-depth information required, provided by the team that built her.

Please feel free to email or call for further information or to book a viewing of this truly impressive motor cruiser.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Cuando los detalles en este documento brindan detalles de un barco, ya sea nuevo o usado, tienen la intención de brindar una descripción fiel del barco, pero no se garantiza que sean precisos o completos. No formarán parte de ninguna oferta o contrato de compraventa de la embarcación. Se recomienda al posible comprador que verifique de forma independiente los detalles y la embarcación. El vendedor no está vendiendo en el curso de un negocio a menos que se indique lo contrario. La propiedad personal está excluida de la venta de la embarcación a menos que se incluya específicamente en la especificación de listado anterior o en un contrato de compra. Los bienes personales pueden ser equipos o aparejos que no estén permanentemente unidos a la embarcación, incluidos, entre otros: obras de arte, equipos de entretenimiento, equipos de pesca, receptores de televisión, equipos recreativos, kayaks, herramientas y electrodomésticos. Las fotografías que incidentalmente pueden representar la propiedad personal de los propietarios no transmiten que dichos artículos estén incluidos en la venta de la embarcación, a menos que dichos artículos se mencionen específicamente en este documento. En todo momento, cuando los detalles en este documento brinden detalles de un barco nuevo y/o un barco nuevo que será suministrado/construido por un constructor/fabricante, o un barco que será fletado, a través de nuestra introducción, no garantizamos ni asumimos responsabilidad por la precisión o confiabilidad de cualquier información ofrecida por empresas de terceros con respecto a la misma, incluidos, entre otros, nuevos constructores/fabricantes de embarcaciones, empresas de alquiler y/o empresas/negocios que son 'Amigos de Boatshed'. No seremos responsables ni formaremos parte de ninguna transacción, contrato o acuerdo entre usted y dichos terceros proveedores de productos o servicios, y le incumbe a usted verificar dichos detalles directamente con dichas entidades y contratar con ellas a su entera discreción. discreción y en los términos que usted acepta.