Fairey Talisman 25 Express Cruiser

A very rare opportunity!
£39,950.00 (Aproximadamente €47,408)
  • Barco REF#  ·  337666
  • Eslora total  ·  8.23m
  • Año  ·  1996
  • Construcción  ·  Fibra
  • Perfíl de carena  ·  Planeo
  • Camas  ·  4
  • Motor  ·  1 x gasoil 250cv, Mercury Mercruiser D-Tronic 6 cylinder, 4.2ltr tur (1996)
  • Lugar  ·  River Medway, Allington
Boatshed Kent
Boatshed Kent
Jayne Markham

Detalles suplementarios

Proyectista Alan V Bernard/ Lorne Campbell
Astillero Greendock Ltd, Hamble
Lugar River Medway, Allington
Capacidad de carburante 100.0 ltr (22.0 G) Total - 1 Tanks
Capacidad de agua 60.0 ltr (13.2 G) Total - 1 Tanks

Sistemas Mecánicos

Motor 1 x gasoil 250cv
Marca del motor y el modelo Mercury Mercruiser D-Tronic 6 cylinder, 4.2ltr tur (1996)
Horas de motor motor1= 204
Motor refrigerado por Direct
Gobierno rueda
Propulsión Eje/s
Helice(s) 4 bladed fixed
Consumo de carburante Desconocido
Velocidad de crucero 22 nudos
Velocidad máxima 38 nudos

Engine Serviced in Spring 2024, oil, filters and gear box oil
Trim Tabs
2 x Batteries new (2023)
Vetus hydraulic steering
New fuel lines and shut off valves
New oil pressure engine senders
New 12V under seat blue LED lighting
New 12V under swim platform, blue LED installed


Eslora total 8.23m
Eslora de flotación 7.62m
Manga 2.40m
Calado máx. 1.09m
Espacio libre 1.82m
Desplazamiento 3,800kg (8,379.0lbs)
Ubicación/Lugar En amarradero

Sistemas eléctricos

12 batería de voltios, 240 voltaje de la energía de la orilla, 3 Carga de baterías por: motor, conexión de tierra


Construction Fibra
Perfíl de carena Planeo
Acabado Gelcoat acabado

The hull was designed by Alan V Bernard, the
medium to deep V planing hull and the superstructure, was designed by Lorne Campbell (who worked with Alan, at Fairey in the 1970's)
Extended transom rudder
New light grey antifoul and hull polish - summer 2024
New anode set – Changed summer, 2024
New hull decals
Fresh water tank has not been used
Self draining cockpit


Total # de literas 4
No. de literas dobles 1
No. de literas únicas 2
Lavabos 1
Ducha 1
Baño 1 Baño (Agua de mar)

Galley refurbished in summer 2024, with 12v Cool Box
Undershelf basket storage
New Fairey logo’d towel set, front hamper, glasses and mug set (unused)
New grey cutlery set, plates and cups (unused)
Diesel Warm Air Heating
Forward double V Berth, with two berths in the cockpit
Complete new bespoke stern to bow interior, everything is hand made in two tone grey with diamond patterned cushions (cockpit and cabin). Including the Cabin door cover, Bimini cover, Toilet door and Internal Cabin side panels, Dash Board cover, Bump Strip Pads and External Bump Pads
New cabin carpet and custom named interior mats


Sistema de agua manual
No fumadores

Galley refurbished in summer 2024, with 12v Cool Box
Undershelf basket storage
New Fairey logo’d towel set, front hamper, glasses and mug set (unused)
New grey cutlery set, plates and cups (unused)
Diesel Warm Air Heating
Forward double V Berth, with two berths in the cockpit
Complete new bespoke stern to bow interior, everything is hand made in two tone grey with diamond patterned cushions (cockpit and cabin). Including the Cabin door cover, Bimini cover, Toilet door and Internal Cabin side panels, Dash Board cover, Bump Strip Pads and External Bump Pads
New cabin carpet and custom named interior mats

Equipo de cubierta

Capota anti rociones
Lona de bañera
Plataforma de baño
Escalera de Baño
Toldo completo de bañera

Manual molinete
New bespoke wooden cockpit seat bases
New bespoke Helm seat and back rest
New bespoke Navigator seat and back rest
New grey cockpit table, stainless table base and sunken stainless cup holders, in summer
All windows surrounds are polished stainless
Wrap around stainless windscreen
New bespoke grey leather grab handles in the cockpit
New stainless cup holders
New stainless collapsable helm foot stand
New flush fitting black 3 x wall mounted coat hangers
New navigation lights - not all fitted as yet
New bespoke transom signwriting
New cockpit stereo system and 300W speakers – Summer 2024
Varnished wood external bump strip with stainless bump strips for fender ropes
Stainless/polished teak swim platform and ladder – Refurbished summer, 2024
New grey marble fenders
New Fairey marine logo’d fender socks x6 (not fitted)
New grey internal cockpit storage nets
New stainless and rubber tread pads
New wooden varnished flag pole and red ensign flag
3 part canopy – new in November, 2022
New 316 stainless steel mast

Equipo de navegación

Luces de navegación
Sonda de Pesca

New VHF radio, installed – summer 2024
Depth Sounder
Fish Finder

Equipo de seguridad

Carbon Monoxide detector
Escalera de borda

2 bombas de achique (0 manual / 2 eléctrico)

Electric and auto bilge pumps
New stainless twin 12V horns

Comentario del broker

We are pleased to be presenting this very rare and unique opportunity, which has become available on the market, believed to be the last surviving example in the world of a Fairey/Talisman 25, of only 3 built.

In the British Powerboat Racing History, the name ‘Fairey’ was the world renowned in the Cowes Torquay, Powerboat Racing Championships and James Bond movies!

During the 1990’s, a relaunch of the Fairey brand took place at the Southampton Boat Show (SIBS) with the revamped and relaunched Fairey/Talisman 25. Only ever 3 all GRP pre-production hulls were produced. Also fitted with the uprated Mercury Mercruiser D-Tronic, 250hp Turbo Diesel, to give outstanding performance, and with only just over 200hrs from new.

The current owner has the original Fairey documentation and drawings, supplied by Lorne Campbell, along with the history and the boat's development. With plenty of literature written about this boat and the design, in for example, the Fairey Owners Club.

Fresh from a 2 year restoration, she is now ready for sale and to be enjoyed once more.

This boat also has a Boat Safety Scheme certificate (expires 2026).

For more details, or to arrange a viewing, please contact a member of the Boatshed team and we would be pleased to help.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

Since 2021

Why are you selling her?

Purchasing another boat

Where have you sailed her?

Medway, East coast and rivers

Cuando los detalles en este documento brindan detalles de un barco, ya sea nuevo o usado, tienen la intención de brindar una descripción fiel del barco, pero no se garantiza que sean precisos o completos. No formarán parte de ninguna oferta o contrato de compraventa de la embarcación. Se recomienda al posible comprador que verifique de forma independiente los detalles y la embarcación. El vendedor no está vendiendo en el curso de un negocio a menos que se indique lo contrario. La propiedad personal está excluida de la venta de la embarcación a menos que se incluya específicamente en la especificación de listado anterior o en un contrato de compra. Los bienes personales pueden ser equipos o aparejos que no estén permanentemente unidos a la embarcación, incluidos, entre otros: obras de arte, equipos de entretenimiento, equipos de pesca, receptores de televisión, equipos recreativos, kayaks, herramientas y electrodomésticos. Las fotografías que incidentalmente pueden representar la propiedad personal de los propietarios no transmiten que dichos artículos estén incluidos en la venta de la embarcación, a menos que dichos artículos se mencionen específicamente en este documento. En todo momento, cuando los detalles en este documento brinden detalles de un barco nuevo y/o un barco nuevo que será suministrado/construido por un constructor/fabricante, o un barco que será fletado, a través de nuestra introducción, no garantizamos ni asumimos responsabilidad por la precisión o confiabilidad de cualquier información ofrecida por empresas de terceros con respecto a la misma, incluidos, entre otros, nuevos constructores/fabricantes de embarcaciones, empresas de alquiler y/o empresas/negocios que son 'Amigos de Boatshed'. No seremos responsables ni formaremos parte de ninguna transacción, contrato o acuerdo entre usted y dichos terceros proveedores de productos o servicios, y le incumbe a usted verificar dichos detalles directamente con dichas entidades y contratar con ellas a su entera discreción. discreción y en los términos que usted acepta.