Go blue water sailing on cruising boats 39-43ft for sale by Boatshed.com
We all dream about possibly designing our next cruising boat and getting it built from new with many personal modifications, buying a second hand boat which has proven sea keeping capabilities and will have a lot of the gear onboard that you might need.
This week’s cruising boat special from Boatshed.com concentrates on boats 35 to 39 foot. There is a huge demand in this economic climate for families, couples to take time out of the recession and to go cruising. Many people are taking advantage of the economic climate and are taking a few years out with their family to go cruising.
FANTATSIC, we could all do that, rent the house out and go and explore the world.
At Boatshed.com you can see up to 80 photos (taken by a Boatshed broker) of every boat they have for sale. The website is easy to use, kept up to date and you will only be able to view boats that are currently for sale, with detailed boat specification and lots of pictures of the inventory, hull and equipment to enable you to see exactly what the boat looks like inside and out before you travel. Boatshed.com have such a huge selection of boats from various hull construction to varying size and price.
Its horses for courses, you can spend as little or as much as you like as Boatshed have nearly every type of boat for sale as they have offices all over the world and a few thousand boats for sale of all types, speak to one of Boatshed.com's experience brokers about cruising boats.
Remember on Boatshed.com your dream boat might come on the books tomorrow, so place a BoatFinder search to alert you when a boat that matches your criteria comes online.
Laurent Giles 35 foot 1963 £29,995 Lying with Boatshed Suffolk. UK
12 Ton Hillard, 1969, £23,000 Lying with Boatshed Dartmouth. UK
Gaff Rigged Cutter 36, 1983, $85.000, lying with Boatshed Seattle. USA
12 Ton Hillyard, 1973, £36,500, Lying with Boatshed Dartmouth. UK
Belfast Loch One design, 1897, £99,950, Lying with Boatshed Falmouth in Spain.
Belliure Endurance 35, 1978, €45,000 Lying with Boatshed Barcelona. SPAIN
Belliure Endurance 35, 1977, £29,950 Lying with Boatshed Gibraltar
35 GRP Sloop, 1972, £26,000 Lying with Boatshed Medway. UK
Oyster Mariner 35, 1981, £49,000 Lying with Boatshed West Scotland UNDER OFFER. UK
Freedom 35, 1982, £25,995, lying with Boatshed Plymouth. UK
Sadler 34, 1990, £39,500 Lying with Boatshed Dartmouth. UK
Westerly Corsair, 1987, £56,000, lying with Boatshed Bristol. UK
Contessa 35, 1979, €50,000 Lying with Boatshed Barcelona. SPAIN
She 36, 1977, £37,000, lying with Boatshed Plymouth.UK
Trintella 35, 1978, £37,500, lying with Bioatshed Essex. UK
Macwester Seaforth, 1985, £39,995, lying with Boatshed Chichester. UK
Saltram 36, 2003, £98,000 lying with Boatshed Plymouth. UK
Hallberg Rassy 36, 1992, £128,500, lying with Boatshed Portsolent. UK
Cape George Cutter 36, 1975, $155,000 Lying with Boatshed Seattle.USA
Tayana 37 Cutter, 1976, $82, 500, lying with Boatshed Seattle. USA
Endurance 37, 1979, £45,999 Lying with Boatshed Malta. MALTA
Hallberg Rassy 38, 1982, £92,950, Lying with Boatshed Suffolk. UK
Wauqiez Hood 38, 1980, €89,000 Lying with Boatshed Phuket. Thailand.
38 Ketch, long keel, 1984, €150,000, Lying with Boatshed Malta. MALTA.
Steel Sloop 36, 1981, £54,950, Lying with Boatshed Gibraltar.
Alan Pape 10.5, 2008, £53,000, lying with Boatshed Gibraltar.
ALan Pape 37, 2003, £89,950 lying with Boatshed Portsmouth. UK
Aluminium Renegade 37, 2003, £54,000, lying with Boatshed Wales. UK
Steel Cutter 38, 1967, £34,950, Lying with Boatshed Thames. UK
Pescott Summerhaven 10.6, 2005, $205,000, lying with Boatshed Phuket. THAILAND
Pescott Sumerhaven, 2002, $175,000, lying with Boatshed Phuket. THAILAND
Jaguar 36, 2005, $219,000 Lying with Boatshed BVI. Caribbean
Wharram Tangaroa, 1982, $69,000 Lying with Boatshed Phuket. Thailand
Andaman Cabriolet, 2009, $270,000, Lying with Boatshed Phuket. Thailand
Lagoon 380, 2003, $194,800, Lying with Boatshed BVI. Caribbean
Broadblue 38, 2004, £135,000, Lying with Boatshed Cowes. UK
Lagoon 38, 2004, €145,000, Lying with Boatshed BVI. Caribbean
Maxim Voyage 380, 2002, $179,950 Lying with Boatshed Phuket. Thailand
Pescott Whithaven 11.8, 2000, $159,950, Lying with Boatshed Phuket, Thialand
37 Sloop, 1979, $25,000 Lying with Boatshed Antigua. Caribbean