Go Green: Be a #Sailor
If you love Moody, Bavaria, Jeanneau or Beneteau sail boats then this love affair could be doing the world an ecological favour. If your boat is powered by wind energy you can be proud that your boating is an earth-friendly eco-activity. You will of course use fuel when there is no wind, when heading into the wind or when navigating narrow channels but your sail boat will use far less fuel than a powerboat.
If you decide to live aboard a sail boat then the fact that it is smaller than a house will mean you use less energy and therefore have a much greener lifestyle. Boaters are more likely to seek self-sufficient power solutions such as solar panels and wind generators. While some people do live aboard smaller boats something more like 50 feet will be more comfortable for your greener lifestyle. Have a look at the different sizes and brands of sail boat for sale we have here at Boatshed Essex.
If you don’t want to live aboard you can still enjoy a very green hobby that involves being healthily active at the same time.
If you love sailing because of that feeling of connection to nature then you may want to consider the environment in other ways while you’re on the water.
If the wind fails you; consider having some quiet time before immediately starting the engine. While the amount of fuel you consume is a mere drop of pollution in the ocean out there it would be great if everybody did their bit, and you may get to like that drifting feeling… Enjoy the silence.
Does your dinghy have an outboard motor or a pair of oars? It takes a little longer but rowing will keep you fit and reduce your fuel costs.
If you don’t want to go as far as the oil lamps used by sailors in times gone by consider changing your lighting to LEDS. I have them on my boat and they use considerably less energy!
And finally, if you’re a fisherman why not catch your own dinner? That is taking the idea of sourcing locally produced food to the extreme: no packaging, no tin, no transport costs. When you’ve eaten your fish and are washing your dish, be sure to use an ecologically friendly detergent. Alternatively dish-washing without detergent could include letting the dog remove the stickiest scraps and then put everything on deck for a rinse in the rain!
What ideas do you have for greener boating?
Image credit: Alan Buchanan wooden yawl for sale
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