Groovy I Zip life jackets by Sea Safe
The #GirlsAdrift team who recently spent 24 hours in a life raft for Sail 4 Cancer charity were sponsored by Sea Safe life jackets, gave these life jackets 10/10 score for design, comfort and fun factor.
Each life jacket design was completely different so the girls all chose their favourite design.
Bit more info about I Zip Life Jackets
This entirely unique feature enables you to change one SeaSafe Life Jacket into any number of different Life Jackets simply by changing the front cover.
You buy yourself a Stainless Steel Harness Life Jacket with a Black cover.
Then lend it to your daughter to wear and she swaps it to a Pink cover.
You're racing at Cowes Week so you change the cover again for a Red version with embroidery to match the team, boat livery and name.
...or simply the front cover wears out, it is horribly dirty and you want a new one without incurring the cost of a whole new Lifejacket so you can just purchase a replacement cover.
Remember, when Life Jackets are serviced regularly and looked after properly they can last up to 10 years so this unique cover changing system can prolong the life of your product.
Available in:
Plastic - Manual or Automatic
Stainless Steel - Manual or Automatic
Stainless Steel Harness & D Ring - Automatic Only
We can embroider the life jacket cover with any logos, names, images and text to create a completely unique and personalised front cover.
This SeaSafe Life Jacket has a unique cover system which enables the wearer to swap the front cover any number of times, either to replace a worn out cover or to change business name and logo or even go from a corporate cover to a fun, fashion cover.
We can also fit special pockets for PLB units, Torches or other devices you may use for your safety, on the front of the life jacket.