Harry's Arctic Heroes
I know that I have been going on about this and, from the deafening silence that I see in the form of responses, I would imagine that you are all pretty fed up with it.
Below is a transcript from Jeremy Clarkson's column in last Saturday's Sun Newspaper, under the heading of "Wounded in Action"
"On Tuesday night the BBC screened a programme called Harry's Arctic Heroes.
It followed a team of seriously injured servicemen as they prepared to walk to the North Pole.
Next Tuesday they set off, and I urge all of you to tune in. Because whatever problems you think you have right now will be made to look like pins and needles.
There's a guy with one arm and a third of the muscle in one leg missing. Another has a broken back. And they are towing sledges full of supplies to the North Pole.
I did that journey in a car and, let me tell you, it was hell. The cold becomes debilitating. And putting up a tent each night in a howling gale can sap the strength of even the fittest able bodied soul.
The idea that an amputee could attempt a journey like that beggars belief."
So I am not alone in my admiration for these guys after all.
Prince Harry and Jeremy Clarkson are as well.
The second programme is tonight at 9.00 on BBC1.