Hunter 44 Deck Salon

US$179,900.00 (Aproximadamente €165,142)
  • Barco REF#  ·  336742
  • Eslora total  ·  13.41m
  • Año  ·  2007
  • Construcción  ·  Fibra
  • Perfíl de carena  ·  Orza
  • Camas  ·  6
  • Motor  ·  1 x gasoil 54cv, Yanmar 4JH4E (2007)
  • Lugar  ·  Seattle, WA USA - At Our Docks!
Boatshed Seattle
Boatshed Seattle
Roger Drill

Detalles suplementarios

Proyectista Glen Henderson
Astillero Hunter Marine
Lugar Seattle, WA USA - At Our Docks!
Capacidad de carburante 227.3 ltr (50.0 G) Total - 1 Tanks
Capacidad de agua 636.4 ltr (140.0 G) Total - 3 Tanks
Capacidad aguas sanitarias 136.4 ltr (30.0 G) Total - 1 Tanks
Última inspección 23/08/2013

Sistemas Mecánicos

Motor 1 x gasoil 54cv
Marca del motor y el modelo Yanmar 4JH4E (2007)
Horas de motor motor1= 808
Motor refrigerado por Indirect
Gobierno rueda
Propulsión Eje/s
Consumo de carburante Desconocido
Velocidad de crucero 6.5 nudos
Velocidad máxima 7.5 nudos

The YANMAR 54 HP diesel engine has been well-maintained and has only 800 hours. The engine is easy to access for service since the entire stairs / engine cover is removable.


Eslora total 13.41m
LOD 12.80m
Eslora de flotación 11.94m
Manga 4.42m
Calado máx. 1.98m
Desplazamiento 10,402kg (22,936.0lbs)
Altura interior 1.86m
Ubicación/Lugar En puerto de recreo


sloop aparejado Selden Aluminio perchas (2007) con Inoxidable jarcia fija ()


Rizas de mayor Doyle - mástil enrollable (2007)
Génova Doyle - Enrollador (2007)

A Forespar adjustable in-track Aluminum whisker pole is stored on the forward side of the mast. Very good for wing on wing down wind sailing.

Sistemas eléctricos

12 batería de voltios, 110 voltaje de la energía de la orilla, 4 Carga de baterías por: motor, conexión de tierra


Construction Fibra
Perfíl de carena Orza
Acabado Gelcoat acabado

For moorage purposes the total length is 43' 2".

The Hunter 44DS has a round bilged hull with a raked stem with anchor roller. It has an external ballast lead fin keel and an inboard spade rudder and a transom stern with integrated platform, transom walk-through and swim ladder.

The deck layout is the conventional trunk cabin, aft cockpit design with a raised main cabin.

Waterline Boats / Boatshed does not independently verify capacities and measures, which are reported from seller-provided information and/or literature.


Total # de literas 6
No. de literas dobles 3
Camarote(s) 2
Lavabos 3
Ducha 1
Baño 2 Baño (Eléctrico)

The vessel has large walkaround decks providing easy access on both port and starboard sides to the cockpit.
The cockpit has comfortable seating for six and provides easy access to seat hatch storage.
The folding steering makes it easy to move to the walk-through transom and on to the swim platform that includes a swim ladder.
The entrance to the saloon is on center with galley to port and aft head to starboard. A nav station is located forward of the head with a double seating area forward of that. The raised deck area over the saloon provides extra lighting for the entire cabin.

The galley has an under counter fridge plus an under counter freezer. It provides enough counter space for two people to work. The dinette is forward of the galley on the port side and converts to a double berth.

The entrance to the aft or master stateroom is to starboard of the entrance stairs. A queen-sized berth is located on center with easy access to both sides. The master stateroom has a separate door to the aft head. There is ample storage throughout with a seating area to port.

The entrance to the forward or guest stateroom is just off center to starboard from the saloon. The berth is full-width and very comfortable for two. The forward head is to port with a separate shower stall. This is the shower used by all aboard.

3 fogone(s)/placa(s) gas Fogón detalle


Fogón detalle
Sistema de agua bajo presión
Agua caliente
Ducha en bañera

The vessel has large walkaround decks providing easy access on both port and starboard sides to the cockpit.
The cockpit has comfortable seating for six and provides easy access to seat hatch storage.
The folding steering makes it easy to move to the walk-through transom and on to the swim platform that includes a swim ladder.
The entrance to the saloon is on center with galley to port and aft head to starboard. A nav station is located forward of the head with a double seating area forward of that. The raised deck area over the saloon provides extra lighting for the entire cabin.

The galley has an under counter fridge plus an under counter freezer. It provides enough counter space for two people to work. The dinette is forward of the galley on the port side and converts to a double berth.

The entrance to the aft or master stateroom is to starboard of the entrance stairs. A queen-sized berth is located on center with easy access to both sides. The master stateroom has a separate door to the aft head. There is ample storage throughout with a seating area to port.

The entrance to the forward or guest stateroom is just off center to starboard from the saloon. The berth is full-width and very comfortable for two. The forward head is to port with a separate shower stall. This is the shower used by all aboard.

3 fogone(s)/placa(s) gas Fogón detalle

Equipo de cubierta

Laterales anti rociones
Lona de bañera
Plataforma de baño
Escalera de Baño
Tapas de instrumentos
Hélice de proa

2 winches de driza
2 winches de escota
Eléctrico Simpson Lawrence molinete
1 anclas
30.48m de cadena
60.96m de cabo
Walker Bay - 11 ft bote auxiliar ()
2.3hp fuerabordo, HONDA, corta Eje/s ()

Equipo de navegación

Piloto automático
Luces de navegación

Most of the electronics were replaced in 2013 .
- Raymarine autopilot
- Furuno DRS4 radar / plotter
- Furuno TZL12F multi-function display

Equipo de seguridad

Chalecos salvavidas
Escalera de borda

3 bombas de achique (1 manual / 2 eléctrico)

Comentario del broker

The present owner purchased the vessel in August of 2013. He then added the following equipment:
-- New hydronic Webasto heating system
-- New MAX folding propeller 4 blade
-- Lewmar bow thruster
-- Raymarine autopilot
-- New Raymarine plotter/ radar
-- New wind speed / wind point
-- New Furuno depth sounder/ fish finder
-- Walker Bay dinghy
-- Honda 2,5 HP outboard
- FORESPAR adjustable in-track Alum Whisker Pole
I point this out to show a large investment in an already well-equipped boat. This includes an in-mast furling system, folding steering wheel, Bose sound system, Dickinson BBQ, Oceanaire hatch screens/ shades, Iverson dodger with complete cockpit cover, two 40ST Lewmar genoa winches, one Lewmar halyard winch and one electric main sheet and reefing winch.
There is a longer list of items in the following report.

The vessel has also enjoyed proactive maintenance -- both hull and engine.

The cockpit is comfortable in any weather and has a dodger and full cockpit cover. The interior provides a comfortable two stateroom model wit a convertible dinette.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Cuando los detalles en este documento brindan detalles de un barco, ya sea nuevo o usado, tienen la intención de brindar una descripción fiel del barco, pero no se garantiza que sean precisos o completos. No formarán parte de ninguna oferta o contrato de compraventa de la embarcación. Se recomienda al posible comprador que verifique de forma independiente los detalles y la embarcación. El vendedor no está vendiendo en el curso de un negocio a menos que se indique lo contrario. La propiedad personal está excluida de la venta de la embarcación a menos que se incluya específicamente en la especificación de listado anterior o en un contrato de compra. Los bienes personales pueden ser equipos o aparejos que no estén permanentemente unidos a la embarcación, incluidos, entre otros: obras de arte, equipos de entretenimiento, equipos de pesca, receptores de televisión, equipos recreativos, kayaks, herramientas y electrodomésticos. Las fotografías que incidentalmente pueden representar la propiedad personal de los propietarios no transmiten que dichos artículos estén incluidos en la venta de la embarcación, a menos que dichos artículos se mencionen específicamente en este documento. En todo momento, cuando los detalles en este documento brinden detalles de un barco nuevo y/o un barco nuevo que será suministrado/construido por un constructor/fabricante, o un barco que será fletado, a través de nuestra introducción, no garantizamos ni asumimos responsabilidad por la precisión o confiabilidad de cualquier información ofrecida por empresas de terceros con respecto a la misma, incluidos, entre otros, nuevos constructores/fabricantes de embarcaciones, empresas de alquiler y/o empresas/negocios que son 'Amigos de Boatshed'. No seremos responsables ni formaremos parte de ninguna transacción, contrato o acuerdo entre usted y dichos terceros proveedores de productos o servicios, y le incumbe a usted verificar dichos detalles directamente con dichas entidades y contratar con ellas a su entera discreción. discreción y en los términos que usted acepta.