Aquí es donde publicamos nuestras historias y artículos relacionados en barco, que van desde la circunnavegación del mundo a misiones de salvamento, humor y mucho, mucho más. Así que hazte un café y liquidar a ti mismo a una buena lectura.
GPS/Plotter on Smartphone
Wednesday, 17 August 2011English
Shameless Plug for a Narrowboat Author
Wednesday, 17 August 2011A while ago I was googling something boaty and up came Amazon Japan with a book by canal journalist Steve Haywood. I dashed off an email to Steve asking him if he sold well in Japan. Here is his response:
Taking a Rib to France on Holiday
Tuesday, 16 August 2011Rib trip to France
New Administrator For Boatshed Grand Union
Monday, 15 August 2011We are pleased to announce that another new member has recently joined the Boatshed Grand Union team. Peggy Melmoth will be handling some of the administration and email enquiries, welcoming new clients, liaising with vendors, and updating the Boa...
Cob 200 - Pilot Race
Sunday, 14 August 2011As part of the Cob 200 celebrations in 2011, The Madoc Rowing Club held a race that was a re-enactment of the historic requirement to provide a Pilot to the ships coming into Porthmadog Harbour.
The Pilots and their crews lived in Borth y Ges...
Salcombe Regatta
Wednesday, 10 August 2011It's Regatta time! Salcombe Town Regatta starts this Sunday 14th August with 7 days of fun for all the family. The first day gets underway with a Fun Run and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Monday is the day to get in the mud with the Mud ...
Canal Boats for Kids
Sunday, 07 August 2011Many people who buy narrowboats have their first experience of boating in Hire Boats. These are available in many shapes and sizes, all around the canal system.
NEWSFLASH: attention owners of small live-aboards in London
Saturday, 06 August 2011Due to an exceptionally busy summer, we urgently require central London live-aboards in the £30-£60,000 price range. Such boats are highly desirable and Boatshed's unique marketing approach means that they get snapped up quickly. Wooden boats, s...
Featured Boat of the Week - Eclipse 40 Sportfish Yacht!
Friday, 05 August 2011No matter what your “phase” yachting........
this Eclipse 40 Sportfish Yacht could be the boat for you!
Six Useful Canal Websites
Thursday, 04 August 2011I have always been a great lover of maps. I like to know where I am - and where everything else is. A great site for planning your route, and seeing it on Google maps as well as getting a printable itinerary is . You can even get a virtual cruise,...
Featured Boat: A Terrific 18m Luxemotor Euroship Dutch Barge
Thursday, 04 August 2011Built in 2007-8, this Euroships design Luxemotor lies on a residential mooring in a small, private marina just off the Thames in West London. She represents a great combination of traditional and contemporary design and fit-out and still has that ...
Walking with the Wounded Update
Thursday, 04 August 2011When we waved goodbye to Simon Daglish's boat as it started it's trek to Corfu, a letter dropped through our letter box from him. The content of this is below:-
Yacht Gift Applauded By College Marine Academy
Wednesday, 03 August 2011South Devon College Marine Academy has been presented with a gift of a 22foot long sailing yacht – for students to restore and sail on the River Dart.
Ao Chalong Yacht Club Phuket
Wednesday, 03 August 2011The Ao Chalong Yacht Club (ACYC) began in the early 1990's as the Ao Chalong Cruising Yacht Club (ACCYC). Established by several locals to get people together for cruising purposes, its first 'home' was Pan's Lighthouse with Horst Lakits serving a...
Marine crime on the increase – an appeal for help
Tuesday, 02 August 2011Perhaps it’s no great shock to hear that marine crime is on the increase, but particularly worrying is the shear scale of current thefts from boats in Devon and Cornwall. All too often boat crime is seen as ‘a minor inconvenience that the insu...
Rolex Fastnet Race 2011
Tuesday, 02 August 2011The legendary Fastnet Race starts on the 14th August 2011 in Cowes and finishes in Plymouth from the 16th onwards. The finishing fleet will be hosted at Sutton Harbour Marina which is where Stephen from BoatshedPlymouth keeps his own yacht. It wi...
Clipper 11-12 Round The World Yacht Race
Monday, 01 August 2011The guy's at Boatshed Hamble along with all the brokers at Boatshed cant resist anything to do with boats, and yesterday was a good example.
Just Reduced!
Saturday, 30 July 2011Unique opportunity to buy a new boat at a used-boat price.
The King's Royal Hussars & the Royal Southern Yacht Club
Saturday, 30 July 2011The King’s Royal Hussars and the Royal Southern Yacht Club share a strong historical connection in the figure of James Brudenell, the 7th Earl of Cardigan who between 1847 and 1854, was simultaneously Commanding officer of the 11th Hussars and C...
Branlebas de Régates 2011. St Malo - la Mer en Fête
Friday, 29 July 2011Branlebas de Régates 2011 – St Malo, La Mer en Fête.
Ahhhh, finalement, l’été est arrivé, le soleil est sorti, les vacances commencent, les estivants prennent la route et le plus grand rassemblement de bateaux se prépare pour la sema...
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Aquí es donde publicamos nuestras historias y artículos relacionados en barco, que van desde la circunnavegación del mundo a misiones de salvamento, humor y mucho, mucho más. Así que hazte un café y liquidar a ti mismo a una buena lectura.