Scrub Time
Anyone who has watched with baited breath as their pride and joy is lifted creaking and groaning from the water by crane or hoist will appreciate this little gem.
In 11 years of ownership by Neil and Mandy Chapman the Boatshed ketch "Supertaff" has been scrubbed and antifouled in a whole range of locations. She has been lent against walls in Ireland and Wales, bounced up and down on slipways in the Baltic and lifted by Cranes and Hoists both big and small from Gosport to Gibraltar.
As Neil Chapman reports the seasonal scrub off is a challenging time for any boat owner...." I am glad to report that my days of broken down jet washers in Kinsale, drunken crane drivers in Spain, scraped topsides, crushed toe rails, and antifouling in my eyes, hair and mouth may be over!"
Enter "SeaLift2" !
If you have not been to Cowes on the Isle of Wight in the UK recently it maybe worth a detour.
Drive in..... Boat is lifted in large platform.... nice man pressure washes boat....smooth transition back into water.......drive off....all in the space of an hour and just over a hundred quid..fantastic experience...what more can I say.
The days spent with 13 tons of boat dangling in the air with my heart in my mouth might well be over :-)
See SeaLift2