The softer side of Boatshed.com
and now for something other than boats, just for a change:)
You might like to know what else we get up to at Boatshed. Although helping you to sell your boat and find the next ideal boat is our number one priority, we also have one or two animal lovers amongst us. We have been sponsoring two dogs cared for by UK Company Dogstrust and we thought you might like to hear about Sidney and Belle.
We have been sponsoring Sidney and Belle for some time now through a charity called Dogs Trust, Founded in 1891, Dogs Trust (formerly the National Canine Defence League) is the largest dog welfare charity in the UK. Each year they care for around 16,000 dogs at their nationwide network of 18 Rehoming Centres. No healthy dog is ever destroyed.
You can find out more or sponsor a dog at
Dogs Trust
Here is some more info on Sidney and Belle
Sidney - Rehoming Centre: Shoreham UK
Age: 7 Years 7 Months
Gender: I'm a boy
Breed: Dachsund Cross
Belle - RehomingCentre: Bridgend UK
Age: 7 Years 3 Months
Gender: I'm a girl
Breed: West Highland White
Three times a year Boatshed get an update on Sidney and Belle, here is the lastest updates:
Energetic Belle here!
How are you? we're on a sport fix her at Bridgend.
Sara, my carer has been getting very excited about some BIG sporting event this is taking place soon. So not wanting to miss out, I've been busy limbering up for my own version here in Wales.
So where do I start? well there's my swimming class on Aqua Dogs every week - my doggy paddle is quite something! And in my training classes I've come on in leaps and bounds - quite literally because I'm learning to dance!! It's not as easy as you might think when you have four legs, but Sara says that when I put my mind to it I'm unstoppable. I tend to agree, except perhaps when it comes to walking. Sara says I lack enthusiasm, I say I lack motivation. I find walking boring so I need lots of encouragement to get these little legs walking.
But if I could only enter one sporting category, it would be the quickest empty-the-kong competition. I'm the fastest girl in the West at getting all my treats out, and even quicker at eating them - yum!
Love Bellex
Morning, it's Sidney here!
We've just had our Summer Fair. It was a bit too busy for a shy dog like me so I stayed in my kennel, but my carer Trina told me all about it. With all the stalls, the raffle and the tombola, it was a great way to kick off the summer in Shoreham!
The beach is right next door and I'm a big fan. I'm not keen on swimming in the sea (I think my legs are a tad too short for the doggy paddle) but I do like to kip my toes into the tide - especially on a hot day. It's most refreshing!
Big waves are a bit scary, but I do love paddling in the local stream, and when Trina takes me for a walk along the footpath I wag my tail like mad to let her know that I want to go swimming! When she lets me off the lead, I give a hop, skip and a jump and belly flop into the water splash-tastic!
Love Sidney
Right back to selling boats!!!