Waterline Boats / Boatshed Seattle at PassagMaker Magazine's Trawler Fest Anacortes!
Look for Waterline Boats / Boatshed Seattle at PassageMaker Magazine’s Trawler Fest Anacortes. We are displaying two new trawlers, a Mariner 42 Classic Trawler and a Bracewell 41(featured on the cover of PassageMaker's Nov/Dec 2010 issue!), and a pre-owned 49’ Custom Trawler Yacht. A Boatshed Seattle display will feature all the trawlers and motor yachts in our inventory.
If you are not yet familiar with Boatshed let us explain the advantages of selling and buying using the Boatshed International Yacht Brokerage System.
We’ll LOOK for you there!
For information on Trawler Fest Anacortes, Click Here!
To preview vessels that we are displaying at Trawler Fest click on the links below.