Westerly Tempest 31

£23,995.00 (Aproximadamente €28,474)
  • Barco REF#  ·  331036
  • Eslora total  ·  9.32m
  • Año  ·  1989
  • Construcción  ·  Fibra
  • Perfíl de carena  ·  Doble quilla
  • Camas  ·  6
  • Motor  ·  1 x gasoil 18cv, Volvo Penta 2002 (1989)
  • Lugar  ·  Plymouth Area
Boatshed Plymouth
Boatshed Plymouth
Jason Currie-Smith

Detalles suplementarios

Proyectista Ed Dubois
Astillero Westerly Marine Ltd
Lugar Plymouth Area
Capacidad de carburante 70.0 ltr (15.4 G) Total - 1 Tanks
Capacidad de agua 180.0 ltr (39.6 G) Total - 2 Tanks

Sistemas Mecánicos

Motor 1 x gasoil 18cv
Marca del motor y el modelo Volvo Penta 2002 (1989)
Horas de motor Desconocido
Motor refrigerado por Indirect
Gobierno caña
Propulsión Eje/s
Helice(s) Fixed (Ate cortadores)
Consumo de carburante Desconocido
Velocidad de crucero 5.5 nudos
Velocidad máxima 6 nudos


Eslora total 9.32m
Eslora de flotación 7.47m
Manga 3.32m
Calado mín. 1.15m
Calado máx. 1.15m
Desplazamiento 4,100kg (9,040.5lbs)
Ubicación/Lugar A tierra


sloop aparejado Selden Aluminio perchas (1989) con Inoxidable jarcia fija (2016)


Rizas de mayor Sanders - mástil enrollable ()
Génova Sanders - Enrollador ()
Otras velas Spinnaker ()

Sistemas eléctricos

12 batería de voltios, 240 voltaje de la energía de la orilla, 2 Carga de baterías por: motor, paneles solares, conexión de tierra


Construction Fibra
Perfíl de carena Doble quilla
Acabado Gelcoat acabado


Total # de literas 6
No. de literas dobles 2
No. de literas únicas 2
Camarote(s) 2
Lavabos 1
Ducha 1

2 fogone(s)/placa(s) gas Fogón detalle


Fogón detalle
Nevera de hielo
Sistema de agua bajo presión
Agua caliente

2 fogone(s)/placa(s) gas Fogón detalle

Equipo de cubierta

Capota anti rociones
Laterales anti rociones
Escalera de Baño
Tapas de instrumentos

2 winches de driza
2 winches de escota
Manual Lofrans molinete
2 anclas
(CQR & Fishermans)
20.00m de cadena
O2Lite bote auxiliar (2017)
2hp fuerabordo, Yamaha ()

Equipo de navegación

Piloto automático
Luces de navegación
Reflector de Radar

Equipo de seguridad

Detector de gas
Carbon Monoxide detector
Chalecos salvavidas
Aros salvavidas
Arneses de seguridad

1 bombas de achique (1 manual / 0 eléctrico)

Comentario del broker

Westerly Yachts had a reputation for designing and building strong sea-kindly yachts.  

This Westerly Tempest is no exception. It is clear from the moment you step aboard that she appears to be a well cared for yacht by the current and previous owners.

The Tempest is one of the later generation Westerly's designed by Ed Dubois, with a modern hull design with two double aft cabins. These yachts were also reported to have a higher-quality interior finish than most of the earlier Westerly's. As with two aft double cabins, there was no need for a fore-cabin, the forward part was split into an excellent full-width heads, and a large sail/gear locker with access from both heads and deck. This was called the "Original Option" for the Tempest design.

This is also the bilge keel model of the Tempest which is highly sought-after as the production run of this Westerly was reported as lower than the fin keel model. The bilge keel option had twin, well-angled and efficient keels with bulbs at the base to keep the centre of gravity low, as well as slightly more keel weight than the fin keel versions.

Her spacious cockpit offers ample room for a family but is equally suitable for single-handed sailing for which she has been thoughtfully set up with all control lines led aft. She has a good selection of navigation and sailing instruments onboard as well as an auto tiller.

She is extremely well equipped throughout and below deck her internal furniture, upholstery all appear to be in good condition.

Both rear cabin headlinings were renewed in 2023, and the owner has just had the rest of the boats headlining professionally replaced.

I think this is a cracking mid-sized cruiser and whether you are looking for a safe, sturdy family cruiser or a yacht suitable for shorthanded cruising, this Westerly Tempest has to be worthy of consideration, furthermore she has all her original documentation including VAT receipt and builders certificate, unusual for a boat of this age.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to arrange a viewing.

The following is a direct quote from the owner as he wanted to ensure this important information was detailed;

"This boat has been wintered ashore every year with oil and filter changed. The fuel filter has been changed every 2 years. A new shaft seal was fitted in 2016. These seals are good for 1500 hours and engine hours are about 500 since then. The seal must be "burped" on first returning to the water! The hull was epoxied in 2003 as an osmosis preventative. The 4 winches were stripped down, cleaned and greased in 2020. The blue paintwork and decal were also redone at the same time. The boat has been used mostly for day sails, but also occasional trips along the south coast and has never been taken out in anything above force 5. She is a comfortable, safe and easy boat to sail."

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

8 years.

Why are you selling her?

Failing Health.

Where have you sailed her?

South Coast UK.

Cuando los detalles en este documento brindan detalles de un barco, ya sea nuevo o usado, tienen la intención de brindar una descripción fiel del barco, pero no se garantiza que sean precisos o completos. No formarán parte de ninguna oferta o contrato de compraventa de la embarcación. Se recomienda al posible comprador que verifique de forma independiente los detalles y la embarcación. El vendedor no está vendiendo en el curso de un negocio a menos que se indique lo contrario. La propiedad personal está excluida de la venta de la embarcación a menos que se incluya específicamente en la especificación de listado anterior o en un contrato de compra. Los bienes personales pueden ser equipos o aparejos que no estén permanentemente unidos a la embarcación, incluidos, entre otros: obras de arte, equipos de entretenimiento, equipos de pesca, receptores de televisión, equipos recreativos, kayaks, herramientas y electrodomésticos. Las fotografías que incidentalmente pueden representar la propiedad personal de los propietarios no transmiten que dichos artículos estén incluidos en la venta de la embarcación, a menos que dichos artículos se mencionen específicamente en este documento. En todo momento, cuando los detalles en este documento brinden detalles de un barco nuevo y/o un barco nuevo que será suministrado/construido por un constructor/fabricante, o un barco que será fletado, a través de nuestra introducción, no garantizamos ni asumimos responsabilidad por la precisión o confiabilidad de cualquier información ofrecida por empresas de terceros con respecto a la misma, incluidos, entre otros, nuevos constructores/fabricantes de embarcaciones, empresas de alquiler y/o empresas/negocios que son 'Amigos de Boatshed'. No seremos responsables ni formaremos parte de ninguna transacción, contrato o acuerdo entre usted y dichos terceros proveedores de productos o servicios, y le incumbe a usted verificar dichos detalles directamente con dichas entidades y contratar con ellas a su entera discreción. discreción y en los términos que usted acepta.